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A incursão de Donald Trump super bet 365 uma das partes mais pobres, diversas e firmemente democráticas da América do Sul ❤️ na cidade norte-americana South Bronx foi um movimento ofensivo.

Seu comício no cadinho do hiphop, onde 95% da população é negra ❤️ ou hispânica e 35% vivem abaixo das linhas de pobreza foi como entrar voluntariamente na cova dos leões. Sendo Trump ❤️ ele declarou uma vitória histórica ”.

"Quando acordei esta manhã, me perguntei se seria hostil ou amigável. Foi uma festa de ❤️ amor!" disse ele no final do discurso que fez super bet 365 90 minutos na noite passada "

A poucos quarteirões do Crotona ❤️ Park – a localização da primeira campanha de Trump no estado desde 2024 super bet 365 Nova York - está o distrito ❤️ congressional, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Notoriamente disse à Aoc para "voltar" ao país onde ela veio uma linha ousada que deve ser ❤️ levada com um mulher nascida na região metropolitana Bronx!

No entanto, apesar de chegar a um bairro super bet 365 Nova York que ❤️ é o lar dos seus críticos mais ferozes no Partido Democrata. Trump entrou na plataforma numa noite calma como se ❤️ estivesse voltando para seu próprio playground pessoal "Bem aqui do Bronx estou emocionado por estar novamente com minha cidade cresceu ❤️ dentro da Cidade onde passei toda vida", disse ele

O que ele não disse foi, sem querer dizer era o fato ❤️ de ter aparecido super bet 365 Nova York depois da longa ausência. Ele passou a maior parte das últimas seis semanas escondido ❤️ num tribunal frígido apenas 10 milhas ao sul do local onde se encontrava na quinta-feira e os olhos dele fecharam ❤️ frequentemente enquanto um júri considera condenálo por falsificar registros comerciais para encobrirem uma suposta relação com Stormy Daniels?!

Dentro de cinco ❤️ dias, ele estará novamente no tribunal criminal super bet 365 Manhattan para encerrar os argumentos e depois disso o júri será enviado ❤️ a decidir seu destino.

Enquanto os rappers Sheff G e Sleepy Hallow se juntam a ele no palco super bet 365 um comício ❤️ de campanha, o show acontece na cidade americana do Bronx.

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: Brendan McDermid/Reuters

Em comentários feitos antes do comício, ela disse que ❤️ a única razão pela qual o evento estava acontecendo foi porque ele ficou preso na cidade durante todo período de ❤️ julgamento.

"O homem praticamente tem a versão legal de uma pulseira super bet 365 torno dele", disse ela.

Por todas as contas, a experiência ❤️ de suportar 20 dias judiciais do People v Donald J Trump tem sido excruciante para o presidente. Ele foi forçado ❤️ super bet 365 um mundo onde ele não possui controle e pessoas que nunca se queixam dele; parece "preocupado", como Maggie Haberman ❤️ da New York Times retratou-o com memorabilidade ”.

Na noite de quinta-feira, que encolheu Trump tinha ido embora para ser substituído ❤️ por uma figura mais familiar: Donald como o arquiteto da melhor economia do planeta; O empresário e negociador com maior ❤️ sucesso já feito... E "mais quente", a arrancar (sua descrição).

Em meandros épico que se tornaram cada vez mais comuns super bet 365 ❤️ comício de Trump, ele fez várias viagens pela faixa da memória como uma nostalgia tornou-se seu bálsamo para a agonia ❤️ legal. Ele listou por fim seus triunfoes enquanto desenvolvedor imobiliário na cidade norte americana e no exterior do país; tanto ❤️ assim até parecendo às vezes o lendário horizonte foi construído pelas suas próprias mãos justa

Ele balançou entre elogios pródigos à ❤️ cidade de Nova York, e a depreciava como uma metrópole super bet 365 declínio. Era tanto o maior lugar do mundo que ❤️ gerou heróis tais quais Teddy Roosevelt ; Frank Sinatra and Babe Ruth (uma catástrofe no Terceiro Mundo cheia com agulhas ❤️ descartada), pessoas sem-teto drogadas ou rua entorpecentes na calçada quanto lunáticos empurrando espectadores inocentes para os trilhos dos trens da ❤️ estação subterrânea...”.1

A campanha Trump havia anunciado o rali do Bronx como uma oportunidade para mostrar ao mundo quão bem ele ❤️ está indo com eleitores hispânicos e negros. Uma onda de pesquisas recentes indicou que suas fortunaes nesses dois grupos eleitorais ❤️ fortemente democratas podem estar começando a melhorar ”.

"Quem disse que não vamos ganhar Nova York? Vamos vencer a cidade de ❤️ New Iorque!", profetizou ele antes da partida nua para o voto majoritário do Bronx Sul. Ele alegou ter tirado 6,6 ❤️ milhões pessoas fora dos níveis pobres quando estava na Casa Branca e comparou isso com um “desastre” à economia Biden ❤️ super bet 365 uma queda nos ganhos afro-americanos quase 6 por cento

"Os afro-americanos estão sendo massacrados. Os hispânicos americanos são abatido, o ❤️ maior impacto negativo dos milhões e milhares de ilegais que entram neste país é contra a nossa população negra ou ❤️ latinoamericana perder seus empregos super bet 365 casas perdidas."

Donald Trump no palco de seu comício super bet 365 Bronx.

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: Yuki Iwamura/AP

A previsão de Trump ❤️ que ele ganhará Nova York é fantasiosa, observadores políticos não têm dúvida.A última vez super bet 365 um presidente republicano ganhou no ❤️ Bronx foi Calvin Coolidge 1924Trump perdeu para Joe Biden aqui na 2024 por uma batida 84% a 16%

O que ❤️ não quer dizer, é algo sem sentido. A multidão no Crotona Park era inquestionávelmente mais diversificada doque o seu típico ❤️ rali Trump quase exclusivamente branco!

Até um quarto das milhares de pessoas que vieram ouvi-lo (o Departamento dos Parques da Cidade ❤️ Nova York disse a campanha Trump tinha uma permissão para até 3.500 indivíduos) eram hispânico ou preto. Alguns apoiantes usavam ❤️ orgulhosamente suas políticas Make America Great Again super bet 365 mangas, e eles não tinham nenhuma chance com o apoio do governo ❤️ americano na América Grande novamente nas costas deles!

"Sou uma republicana negra tingida de lã", dizia um t-shirt. Um grupo das ❤️ três mulheres hispânicas à espera do serviço secreto para exibilo no início da noite entoou:"Trumpito!" enquanto dançavam a canção tema ❤️ oficial dos latinoes Trump".

Theo Diakite, 29 anos de idade e afro-americano que mora perto do parque disse ter sido atraído ❤️ para a manifestação por curiosidade. Ele nunca votou super bet 365super bet 365vida mas este ano está se sentindo tentados com Trump!

Ele ❤️ notou que outras pessoas super bet 365 seu bairro compartilham essa curiosidade. "Há muitas gente firme contra ele, mas agora não tem ❤️ tanta certeza."

Quando Diakite disse ao seu pai, um democrata de longa data que ele estava indo para o comício Trump ❤️ esperava uma contusão na língua. Parasuper bet 365surpresa respondeu: "Sim cara eu fiquei muito desapontado sobre os últimos dois ❤️ anos."

Anson Paul, 30 anos de idade e um treinador negro do Bronx Sul que votou duas vezes super bet 365 Barack Obama ❤️ estava usando o chapéu vermelho Maga para trás. Isso foi sinal dos tempos”, disse ele à Reuters

"Em 2024 eu não ❤️ teria usado um chapéu Maga - era muito louco, as pessoas poderiam ter me agredido." Agora ele disse que a ❤️ situação estava mudando.

"Ainda estamos super bet 365 minoria, mas as pessoas no Bronx estão acordando para Donald Trump."

Tiana Diaz, 43 anos de ❤️ idade nasceu e cresceu no sul do Bronx super bet 365 uma família porto-riquenha. Ela disse que estava orgulhosa por ter um ❤️ chapéu rosa Make America Great Again (Faça a América Grande Novamente), tendo votado para Trump nos meses 2024 y 2024.

Para ❤️ Diaz, os problemas legais de Trump no tribunal apenas fortaleceramsuper bet 365adulação por ele. Isso lembra a ela – disse ❤️ - do motivo pelo qual se voltou para o presidente super bet 365 primeiro lugar: que todos na "sistência" estavam dispostos à ❤️ pegá-lo e ao mesmo tempo não foram capazes disso acontecer com ninguém mais ter feito nada além dele!

"Eu tenho um ❤️ radar BS, e eu sabia que era tudo besteira", disse ela.

Os organizadores democratas e os líderes sindicais encenaram seu próprio ❤️ contra-rally super bet 365 um canto separado do Crotona Park. Foi uma pequena reunião de apenas cerca 200 pessoas, segundo relatos ; ❤️ mas carregava o título punchy: "Trump não é bem vindo no Bronx".

Marle Cordeiro Files Lawsuit Against Mike Postle SeekingR$250K

April 07, 2024 Chad

Holloway Executive Editor U.S.

Over the weekend, Marle Cordeiro filed ❤️ a lawsuit against

Mike Postle, a story reported on by TMZ.

In a copy of the Complaint and Demand for

Trial ❤️ by Jury obtained by PokerNews, Cordeiro seeksR$250,000 in punitive damages as

well as any other relief as may be just ❤️ and proper. She has also requested a trial by


Cordeiro is being represented by noted gaming attorney Maurice “Mac” VerStandig,

❤️ who is also spearheading a separate, high-profile lawsuit against Postle and Stone’s

Gambling Hall.

“The actions of Mike Postle offend not ❤️ merely the standards of honor and

decency that have long guided the poker world but, too, the law,” VerStandig told

❤️ PokerNews when reached for comment. “We look forward to pursuing Ms. Cordeiro’s case in

court and have faith in the ❤️ judicial system.”

God Mode

The latest complaint, which was

filed in United States District Court District of Nevada, echoes many of the

❤️ allegations laid out in the class action suit, namely that during live-streamed cash

games someone sent Postle information regarding the ❤️ competition’s hole cards, which

Postle viewed on a cell phone placed in his lap.

“To carry out this pattern and

practice, ❤️ Mr. Postle was aided by one or more confederates – defendants who will be

joined in this litigation once their ❤️ identities are learned through discovery – who

furnished him with this information, for purposes of carrying out a fraud, through ❤️ one

or more concealed communicative mechanisms,” the lawsuit states.

If true, such

information would have granted Postle the ability to either ❤️ win or mitigate loss in

every hand. In the UltimateBet cheating scandal involving Russ Hamilton, this ability

was deemed “God ❤️ Mode,” which was referenced in a roundabout way in the latest


“Mr. Postle’s winnings on the Stones Live Poker broadcast, ❤️ and his correlative

play of poker, were so exceptionally outstanding as to lead the games’ commentators to

note his seemingly ❤️ mystical abilities on numerous occasions, and to lead Stones Live

Poker to produce various graphics portraying Mr. Postle as a ❤️ deity-like individual

imbued with omniscient powers (with one such graphic conflating an image of Mr. Postle

and an image of ❤️ Jesus Christ).”

The complaint continued: “This optimal decision making

was so precise as to allow Mr. Postle to record net winnings ❤️ in more than ninety four

percent (94%) of the Stones Live Poker games in which he played from July 18, ❤️ 2024

onward, even though such games are of fixed duration and elevated variance (relative to

“normal” poker games); such a ❤️ winning percentage, under these confined circumstances in

a streamed environment, is not known to have ever been achieved by any ❤️ other poker

player – professional or amateur – over such a significant period of time.”

How Does

Cordeiro Fit In?

Cordeiro is ❤️ a well-known poker vlogger and co-host of The Rake Poker

Podcast. In late 2024, she was invited to be a ❤️ part of the Stones Live Poker broadcast

playingR$10/$25/$50 no-limit hold’em in a game involving Postle.

The lawsuit contends:

“Ms. Cordeiro makes ❤️ her allegation of Mr. Postle systematically, habitually and

regularly cheating at Stones Live Poker games based not on a hunch ❤️ or suspicion but,

rather, based on a statistical analysis of his results, analytical review of the manner

in which he ❤️ played, and extensive footage of his placing his cellular telephone between

his legs and thereafter gazing at it when needing ❤️ to make certain game-optimal


As evidence, the complaint highlights one hand played on the stream in

which Cordeiro raised toR$150 ❤️ holding the Q♠10♦ and Postle called with the Q♦J♥ from

the big blind. The 9♦J♦8♠ flop gave Postle top pair ❤️ and Cordeiro the nut straight.

Cordeiro betR$200 and Postle called to see the 4♠ on the turn. Cordeiro bet again, ❤️ this

timeR$600, and Postle folded.

“In a vacuum, this could be attributed to the Defendant

having a conservative demeanor, having a ❤️ quality ‘read’ on Ms. Cordeiro, or being

exhausted at the end of a long night of poker; in the context ❤️ of his fraudulent

cheating operation, and realizing he was playing with the illicit advantage of knowing

Ms. Cordeiro’s Hole Cards, ❤️ this is only attributable to his tortious conduct.”


lawsuit then says that in “an honest game,” Cordeiro could have expected ❤️ to “have

profited several thousand dollars” on this hand.

Did Postle Give It Away?

Cordeiro also

references one specific incident from May ❤️ 6, 2024, in which she believes Postle

inadvertently admitted to being aware of other players’ hole cards. According to her,

❤️ when he visited the commentary booth to discuss his pot-limit Omaha play, he let slip

information that revealed his scheme ❤️ when he asked, “So what happened on that PLO hand

where it only showed two of our cards?”

“[He] indicated he ❤️ was aware that a specific

hand’s broadcast had only displayed ‘two of our cards’ to the viewing public (whereas

four ❤️ cards should have been displayed, based on the type of poker being played), even

though he would not have had ❤️ the opportunity to view the broadcast – and, thus, become

aware of this technical malfunction – prior to making that ❤️ comment, unless he had

illicitly accessed the information in real time, with the aid of one or more


In other ❤️ words, Cordeiro contends there’s no way Postle could have known

two of the hole cards didn’t show up unless he ❤️ was in fact cheating by viewing the RFID

table’s feed.

She goes on to say that in the rare instances when ❤️ Postle did lose on the

stream, he did not stare at his lap and such sessions appeared to coincide when ❤️ “the

person suspected of being his chief confederate was absent from the Sacramento


Postle has not responded to PokerNews' request ❤️ for comment at the time of


After he is officially served, Postle will have 21 days to provide an

answer ❤️ to the complaint against him. If he fails to do so, a judgment by default could

be entered against him.

Check ❤️ Out More News today!

Sharelines Marle Cordeiro has filed

her own lawsuit against Mike Postle seekingR$250,000 in punitive damages.

apostas esportivas palpites

Marle Cordeiro Files Lawsuit Against Mike Postle SeekingR$250K

April 07, 2024 Chad

Holloway Executive Editor U.S.

Over the weekend, Marle Cordeiro filed ❤️ a lawsuit against

Mike Postle, a story reported on by TMZ.

In a copy of the Complaint and Demand for

Trial ❤️ by Jury obtained by PokerNews, Cordeiro seeksR$250,000 in punitive damages as

well as any other relief as may be just ❤️ and proper. She has also requested a trial by


Cordeiro is being represented by noted gaming attorney Maurice “Mac” VerStandig,

❤️ who is also spearheading a separate, high-profile lawsuit against Postle and Stone’s

Gambling Hall.

“The actions of Mike Postle offend not ❤️ merely the standards of honor and

decency that have long guided the poker world but, too, the law,” VerStandig told

❤️ PokerNews when reached for comment. “We look forward to pursuing Ms. Cordeiro’s case in

court and have faith in the ❤️ judicial system.”

God Mode

The latest complaint, which was

filed in United States District Court District of Nevada, echoes many of the

❤️ allegations laid out in the class action suit, namely that during live-streamed cash

games someone sent Postle information regarding the ❤️ competition’s hole cards, which

Postle viewed on a cell phone placed in his lap.

“To carry out this pattern and

practice, ❤️ Mr. Postle was aided by one or more confederates – defendants who will be

joined in this litigation once their ❤️ identities are learned through discovery – who

furnished him with this information, for purposes of carrying out a fraud, through ❤️ one

or more concealed communicative mechanisms,” the lawsuit states.

If true, such

information would have granted Postle the ability to either ❤️ win or mitigate loss in

every hand. In the UltimateBet cheating scandal involving Russ Hamilton, this ability

was deemed “God ❤️ Mode,” which was referenced in a roundabout way in the latest


“Mr. Postle’s winnings on the Stones Live Poker broadcast, ❤️ and his correlative

play of poker, were so exceptionally outstanding as to lead the games’ commentators to

note his seemingly ❤️ mystical abilities on numerous occasions, and to lead Stones Live

Poker to produce various graphics portraying Mr. Postle as a ❤️ deity-like individual

imbued with omniscient powers (with one such graphic conflating an image of Mr. Postle

and an image of ❤️ Jesus Christ).”

The complaint continued: “This optimal decision making

was so precise as to allow Mr. Postle to record net winnings ❤️ in more than ninety four

percent (94%) of the Stones Live Poker games in which he played from July 18, ❤️ 2024

onward, even though such games are of fixed duration and elevated variance (relative to

“normal” poker games); such a ❤️ winning percentage, under these confined circumstances in

a streamed environment, is not known to have ever been achieved by any ❤️ other poker

player – professional or amateur – over such a significant period of time.”

How Does

Cordeiro Fit In?

Cordeiro is ❤️ a well-known poker vlogger and co-host of The Rake Poker

Podcast. In late 2024, she was invited to be a ❤️ part of the Stones Live Poker broadcast

playingR$10/$25/$50 no-limit hold’em in a game involving Postle.

The lawsuit contends:

“Ms. Cordeiro makes ❤️ her allegation of Mr. Postle systematically, habitually and

regularly cheating at Stones Live Poker games based not on a hunch ❤️ or suspicion but,

rather, based on a statistical analysis of his results, analytical review of the manner

in which he ❤️ played, and extensive footage of his placing his cellular telephone between

his legs and thereafter gazing at it when needing ❤️ to make certain game-optimal


As evidence, the complaint highlights one hand played on the stream in

which Cordeiro raised toR$150 ❤️ holding the Q♠10♦ and Postle called with the Q♦J♥ from

the big blind. The 9♦J♦8♠ flop gave Postle top pair ❤️ and Cordeiro the nut straight.

Cordeiro betR$200 and Postle called to see the 4♠ on the turn. Cordeiro bet again, ❤️ this

timeR$600, and Postle folded.

“In a vacuum, this could be attributed to the Defendant

having a conservative demeanor, having a ❤️ quality ‘read’ on Ms. Cordeiro, or being

exhausted at the end of a long night of poker; in the context ❤️ of his fraudulent

cheating operation, and realizing he was playing with the illicit advantage of knowing

Ms. Cordeiro’s Hole Cards, ❤️ this is only attributable to his tortious conduct.”


lawsuit then says that in “an honest game,” Cordeiro could have expected ❤️ to “have

profited several thousand dollars” on this hand.

Did Postle Give It Away?

Cordeiro also

references one specific incident from May ❤️ 6, 2024, in which she believes Postle

inadvertently admitted to being aware of other players’ hole cards. According to her,

❤️ when he visited the commentary booth to discuss his pot-limit Omaha play, he let slip

information that revealed his scheme ❤️ when he asked, “So what happened on that PLO hand

where it only showed two of our cards?”

“[He] indicated he ❤️ was aware that a specific

hand’s broadcast had only displayed ‘two of our cards’ to the viewing public (whereas

four ❤️ cards should have been displayed, based on the type of poker being played), even

though he would not have had ❤️ the opportunity to view the broadcast – and, thus, become

aware of this technical malfunction – prior to making that ❤️ comment, unless he had

illicitly accessed the information in real time, with the aid of one or more


In other ❤️ words, Cordeiro contends there’s no way Postle could have known

two of the hole cards didn’t show up unless he ❤️ was in fact cheating by viewing the RFID

table’s feed.

She goes on to say that in the rare instances when ❤️ Postle did lose on the

stream, he did not stare at his lap and such sessions appeared to coincide when ❤️ “the

person suspected of being his chief confederate was absent from the Sacramento


Postle has not responded to PokerNews' request ❤️ for comment at the time of


After he is officially served, Postle will have 21 days to provide an

answer ❤️ to the complaint against him. If he fails to do so, a judgment by default could

be entered against him.

Check ❤️ Out More News today!

Sharelines Marle Cordeiro has filed

her own lawsuit against Mike Postle seekingR$250,000 in punitive damages.

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anterior:estrela 9 pontas significado

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