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Em meados do século, as emissões globais da produção de plástico poderiam triplicar para representar um quinto dos restantes orçamentos ♠ terrestres blackjack 21 3 carbono.

As novas estimativas impressionantes do Laboratório Nacional Lawrence Berkeley, publicado na quarta-feira passada (24) fornecem mais evidências de ♠ que a indústria plástica está "minando os esforços mundiais para enfrentar as mudanças climáticas", disse Heather McTeer Toney.

A produção de ♠ plástico, que é feita a partir dos combustíveis fósseis com uso intensivo do gás estufa. O carvão mineral ou ♠ o petróleo devem primeiro ser extraídos e depois esses materiais precisam estar refinado blackjack 21 3 outro procedimento pesado para emissões; Em ♠ alguns casos outros compostos químicos como formaldeído também têm sido produzidos criando mais poluição

Os produtos petroquímicos são então "rachados" blackjack 21 3 ♠ blocos de construção plásticos, como o eetileno - aspecto da produção plástica com maior taxa. Emissões adicionais vêm do processo ♠ das polimerizações – combinando esses elementos para formar moléculas maiorese depois moldando-os nos seus próprios artigos (o relatório diz).

Para estimar ♠ as emissões totais associadas à produção de plástico, os autores examinaram o impacto dos gases do efeito estufa blackjack 21 3 nove ♠ tipos mais comuns que são usados para criar embalagens plásticas e garrafas d’água.

A criação de plástico gerou 2,24 gigatoneladas da ♠ poluição do aquecimento global blackjack 21 3 2024, ou até 600 usinas a carvão. Naquele ano, representou 5% das emissões globais para ♠ o carbono; 12% na demanda mundial por petróleo e 8,9% no gás natural (de acordo com relatório).

Espera-se que esses números ♠ aumentem drasticamente, diz o relatório porque a indústria de plástico está blackjack 21 3 uma trajetória exponencial do crescimento com produção prevista ♠ para dobrar ou mesmo triplicar até 2050.

Se a produção aumentar 4% ao ano, duplicando dentro de um quarto do século ♠ as emissões que aquecem o planeta podem atingir 6.78 gigatoneladas até 2050 – igual às das mais 1.700 usinas carbonífera

Descarbonizar ♠ totalmente a rede elétrica – um foco chave dos planos climáticos globais - poderia limitar esse impacto climático, mas ainda ♠ deixaria o mundo blackjack 21 3 uma rota perigosa. Até 70% do combustível fóssil usado na criação de plástico vem das matérias-primas ♠ usadas no produção não da eletricidade usada nos processamentos? escrevem os autores;

Como resultado, mesmo que o mundo atinja eletricidade totalmente ♠ livre de carbono até 2050 a produção plástica produziria 5.13 gigatoneladas blackjack 21 3 poluição no ano seguinte sob um cenário ♠ anual 4% crescimento da energia solar (CG).

Mas mesmo que a produção permaneça estável, blackjack 21 3 2050 seria responsável por 15-19% do ♠ orçamento global de carbono restante para manter as temperaturas médias globais à temperatura média 1,5 ° C.

Mesmo com uma rede ♠ totalmente descarbonizada, essa porcentagem ainda pode ser até 16%.

O relatório foi divulgado antes da 4a reunião do Comitê Intergovernamental de ♠ Negociação (INC4) para um tratado global sobre plásticos que deve começar na próxima semana blackjack 21 3 Ottawa, no Canadá.

Neil Tangri, diretor ♠ de ciência e política do grupo global Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (Aliança para Alternativa à Incineração), que reviu o ♠ relatório da ONU blackjack 21 3 Washington disse nesta segunda-feira (11): “As descobertas deixam claro a produção plástica como uma ‘bola destruidora’ ♠ pelo nosso clima” – ele espera influenciar as próximas negociações”.

"Este relatório fornece aos negociadores as evidências científicas mais fortes até ♠ o momento sobre a necessidade de parar e reverterblackjack 21 3expansão da produção plástica", disse ele.

Em uma breve análise, a ♠ organização de Tangri descobriu que as estimativas sugerem produção plástica poderia consumir completamente orçamento mundial do carbono antes o fim ♠ deste século. Mas eles também sugere isso reduzir plástico pode produzir enormes benefícios climáticos ”, disse Tângri

“Se este tratado forçar ♠ as empresas a reduzir significativamente o plástico blackjack 21 3 pelo menos 12% ao ano, ainda podemos manter vivablackjack 21 3meta de ♠ 1,5 graus e conter os impactos climáticos do plásticos”, disse ele.

A produção de plástico curbing poderia ter outros efeitos positivos, ♠ escreveram os autores.:

inclusive blackjack 21 3 saúde pública.

"Petroquímicos, o bloco de construção do plástico já estão envenenando comunidades que instalações vizinhas com ♠ poluição causadora da doença", disse Toney blackjack 21 3 um comunicado enviado por e-mail.

O plástico também gera emissões tóxicas e de aquecimento ♠ do planeta no final dablackjack 21 3vida se for queimado blackjack 21 3 um incinerador ou enviado para uma lixeira.

Apesar desse enorme ♠ número de mudanças climáticas, as atuais propostas para reduzir a poluição plástica sob o tratado que tem sido descrito como ♠ sendo um dos acordos ambientais mais importantes desde 2024 Acordo Climático Paris "não incluem ainda qualquer consideração explícita sobre os ♠ impactos climáticos", escreveram.

Variants of the betting card game

Stud poker is any of a number of poker variants in

which each player receives ♠ a mix of face-down and face-up cards dealt in multiple

betting rounds. Stud games are also typically non-positional games, meaning ♠ that the

player who bets first on each round may change from round to round (it is usually the

player ♠ whose face-up cards make the best hand for the game being played). The cards

dealt face down to each individual ♠ player are called hole cards, which gave rise to the

common English expression ace in the hole for any hidden ♠ advantage.

History [ edit


Stud poker variants using four cards were popular as of the American Revolutionary

War. Five-card stud first ♠ appeared during the American Civil War when the game was much

played among soldiers on both sides, and became very ♠ popular. Later, seven-card stud

became more common, both in casinos and in home games.[1] These two games form the

basis ♠ of most modern stud poker variations.

Play [ edit ]

The number of betting rounds

in a game influences how well the ♠ game plays with different betting structures. Games

with four or fewer betting rounds, such as five-card stud and Mississippi stud, ♠ play

well with any structure, and are especially well suited to no limit and pot limit play.

Games with more ♠ betting rounds are more suited to fixed limit or spread limit. It is

common (and recommended) for later betting rounds ♠ to have higher limits than earlier

ones. For example, a "$5/$10 Seven-card Stud" game in a Nevada casino allowsR$5 bets

♠ for the first two rounds andR$10 bets for subsequent rounds. Also common is to make the

final round even higher: ♠ a "$5/$10/$20" game would allowR$20 bets on the last round

only. Another common rule is to allow the larger bet ♠ on the second round if there is an

"open pair" (that is, at least one player's upcards make a pair). ♠ Some casinos

(typically in California) use the smaller limit on the first three rounds rather than

just the first two.

It ♠ is a common convention in stud poker to name the betting rounds

after the number of cards each player holds ♠ when that betting round begins. So the bet

that occurs when each player has three cards is called "third card" ♠ or "third street",

while the bet that occurs when each player has five cards is "fifth street". The final

round, ♠ regardless of the number of betting rounds, is commonly called the "river" or

simply the "end".

Specific variants [ edit ]

As ♠ mentioned above, seven-card stud is

probably the most common form of the game, with most other games being variants of

♠ that, although five-card stud is also a basic pattern upon which many variations are


Six-card stud [ edit ]

Six-card stud ♠ is usually played as identical to

seven-card stud, except that the last face-up round is removed (thus it is two ♠ down,

three up, one down). With Flip, the last card is dealt face-down, but one of the

face-down cards must ♠ be flipped face-up. Six-card stud can also be played as 1-4-1,

where the first betting round occurs after only two ♠ cards are dealt (one down and one

up). This latter form more closely resembles five-card stud with an extra


Razz ♠ [ edit ]

Razz is a variant where the lowest hand wins the pot instead of

the highest. Versions differ in ♠ the rules for treating straights and flushes as high or

low. London Lowball is a popular version that counts straights ♠ against the


High-low stud [ edit ]

High-low stud is played using high-low split betting,

where the pot is split between ♠ the player with the highest hand and the player with the

lowest hand. In the most common form, known as ♠ "eight-or-better" or "stud eight", an

8-high hand or lower is required to win low. If there is no qualifying low ♠ hand, high

hand takes the entire pot.

Another form of high-low split stud is played under the same

rules as stud ♠ eight, but there is no qualifier required for the low half of the pot.

Often referred to as Q, it ♠ is much less common than stud eight, and is generally played

at higher limits.

Mexican stud [ edit ]

Various forms of ♠ roll your own five-card stud,

often with a stripped deck and wild cards, are called Mexican stud, Mexican poker, or

♠ stud loco. One such variant played by the Casino San Pablo in northern California has

these rules: 8s, 9s, and ♠ 10s are stripped from the deck, and a single joker is added

(the deck therefore contains 41 cards). The 7-spot ♠ and the J become consecutive, so

that 5-6-7-J-Q is a straight. A flush beats a full house (with fewer cards ♠ of each

suit, they are harder to get). The joker plays as a bug if it is face up, and ♠ fully

wild if it is face down. The game is played as five-card stud choose-before roll your

own. It is ♠ usually played with a very high ante, and the high card on the first round

pays the bring-in.

The game of ♠ Shifting sands is Mexican stud in which each player's

hole card (and all others of that rank) are wild for ♠ that player only.

Caribbean stud [

edit ]

Caribbean Stud Poker is a casino game that has been developed using the poker

♠ hands and general rules of 5 card stud poker. The game combines poker elements and

standard table game elements in ♠ that each player dealt into the hand is playing against

the dealer. Originally invented by gambling author David Sklansky using ♠ the name Casino

Holdem with some slight rule variations,[2] the game was first introduced at the Grand

Holiday Casino and ♠ eventually all the remaining hotels in Aruba in the


Miscellaneous [ edit ]

Five-card stud played high-low split with an added ♠ twist

round is called Option alley or five-card option.

or five-card option. The game

Scandinavian stud or Sökö is five-card stud ♠ with two new hand values added: Four-card

flush and four-card straight. Hand ranking is therefore: High card, one pair, four-card

♠ straight, four-card flush, two pair and then on as usual. A four-card straightflush is

not a hand in itself, it's ♠ merely counts as a four-card flush.

or is five-card stud

with two new hand values added: Four-card flush and four-card straight. ♠ Hand ranking is

therefore: High card, one pair, four-card straight, four-card flush, two pair and then

on as usual. A ♠ four-card straightflush is not a hand in itself, it's merely counts as a

four-card flush. The term English stud is ♠ used ambiguously to refer to several games,

including six-card stud played 1-4-1 with a twist (also called six-card option), London

♠ lowball, and a seven-card stud game where both sixth street and seventh street are

twist rounds.

is used ambiguously to refer ♠ to several games, including six-card stud

played 1-4-1 with a twist (also called six-card option), London lowball, and a

seven-card ♠ stud game where both sixth street and seventh street are twist rounds. In

the game of seven-card flip , each ♠ player is dealt four cards face down, and chooses

two of them to turn up. All cards are turned up ♠ simultaneously after everyone has

chosen. As this point, the game proceeds as if it were standard seven-card stud

starting on ♠ fourth street.

, each player is dealt four cards face down, and chooses two

of them to turn up. All cards ♠ are turned up simultaneously after everyone has chosen.

As this point, the game proceeds as if it were standard seven-card ♠ stud starting on

fourth street. Kentrel , or "48", is a seven-card stud variation which starts with each

player being ♠ dealt four downcards. Each player must then discard one, choose one of the

remaining three to turn face up (leaving ♠ two down and one up as normal), and then

proceed as with eight-or-better high-low stud.

, or "48", is a seven-card ♠ stud

variation which starts with each player being dealt four downcards. Each player must

then discard one, choose one of ♠ the remaining three to turn face up (leaving two down

and one up as normal), and then proceed as with ♠ eight-or-better high-low stud. The game

of Show Hand , which is not commonly played but made famous by Hong Kong ♠ gambling

films, is a twist in 5 card stud. Players with the highest face up cards decide whether

to check ♠ the round or raise; or, if the player with the highest face up card or hand

checks, it will proceed ♠ to the next street. However, the last round of betting after

the river is dealt is unlimited. In Show hand ♠ poker the last card is dealt face down.

Players now choose from 1 of the 2 face down cards to ♠ reveal to other players. This

variant is usually played with a set time-limit and bet limit to prevent players from

♠ taking advantage of checks and not betting to prolong the game.

, which is not commonly

played but made famous by ♠ Hong Kong gambling films, is a twist in 5 card stud. Players

with the highest face up cards decide whether ♠ to check the round or raise; or, if the

player with the highest face up card or hand checks, it ♠ will proceed to the next

street. However, the last round of betting after the river is dealt is unlimited. In

♠ Show hand poker the last card is dealt face down. Players now choose from 1 of the 2

face down ♠ cards to reveal to other players. This variant is usually played with a set

time-limit and bet limit to prevent ♠ players from taking advantage of checks and not

betting to prolong the game. The game of Chicago is seven-card stud ♠ in which the high

hand splits the pot with the player who has the highest-ranking spade "in the hole"

(among ♠ his downcards). There is also Little Chicago (also called Southside ), in which

the lowest ranking spade in the hole ♠ splits the pot; players who play Little Chicago

call the high spade variant Big Chicago . This also known as ♠ Chicago high by night and

Chicago low by night . In Chicago by night the Deuces and One-eyed jacks are ♠ usually

called as wild cards.

is seven-card stud in which the high hand splits the pot with the

player who has ♠ the highest-ranking spade "in the hole" (among his downcards). There is

also (also called ), in which the lowest ranking ♠ spade in the hole splits the pot;

players who play Little Chicago call the high spade variant . This also ♠ known as and .

In Chicago by night the Deuces and One-eyed jacks are usually called as wild cards. The

♠ Bitch is a variant on Chicago above, played with a combination of up and down cards,

usually two down, four ♠ up, and one down. The twist is that the Queen of Spades is

designated as the highest ranking Spade, followed ♠ by the Ace, King, Jack, and so on.

Also, if the Queen of Spades is ever dealt as an upcard ♠ to any player, all players turn

in their cards, re-ante, and replay the game. This can lead to quickly increasing ♠ pots,

especially if the re-ante amount is increased on each iteration. The high hand splits

the pot with the high ♠ spade.

is a variant on above, played with a combination of up and

down cards, usually two down, four up, and ♠ one down. The twist is that the Queen of

Spades is designated as the highest ranking Spade, followed by the ♠ Ace, King, Jack, and

so on. Also, if the Queen of Spades is ever dealt as an upcard to any ♠ player, all

players turn in their cards, re-ante, and replay the game. This can lead to quickly

increasing pots, especially ♠ if the re-ante amount is increased on each iteration. The

high hand splits the pot with the high spade. Several ♠ different games played only in

low-stakes home games are called Baseball , and generally involve many wild cards

(often 3 ♠ s and 9 s), paying the pot for wild cards, being dealt an extra upcard upon

receiving a 4 , ♠ and many other ad hoc rules (for example, the appearance of the queen

of spades is called a "rainout" and ♠ ends the hand, or that either red 7 dealt face-up

is a rainout, but if one player has both red ♠ 7s in the hole, that outranks everything,

even a 5 of a kind). These same rules can be applied to ♠ no peek, in which case the game

is called "night baseball". See main article: Baseball Poker.

, and generally involve

many ♠ wild cards (often s and s), paying the pot for wild cards, being dealt an extra

upcard upon receiving a ♠ , and many other ad hoc rules (for example, the appearance of

the queen of spades is called a "rainout" ♠ and ends the hand, or that either red 7 dealt

face-up is a rainout, but if one player has both ♠ red 7s in the hole, that outranks

everything, even a 5 of a kind). These same rules can be applied ♠ to no peek, in which

case the game is called "night baseball". See main article: Baseball Poker. Cowpie

poker is ♠ played as seven-card stud until after the seventh-street bet. All remaining

players then split their hands into a five-card hand ♠ and a two-card hand. The five-card

hand must outrank the two-card hand, and the latter must contain at least one ♠ downcard.

After the split there is one more betting round and showdown. Upon showdown, the

highest five-card hand and the ♠ highest two-card hand split the pot. The name of the

game is a pun on Pai Gow.

is played as seven-card ♠ stud until after the seventh-street

bet. All remaining players then split their hands into a five-card hand and a two-card

♠ hand. The five-card hand outrank the two-card hand, and the latter must contain at

least one downcard. After the split ♠ there is one more betting round and showdown. Upon

showdown, the highest five-card hand and the highest two-card hand split ♠ the pot. The

name of the game is a pun on Pai Gow. Number Nine is a variant of seven-card ♠ stud in

which 9s are wild, and any two number cards that add up to 9 may make one wild ♠ card, at

the player's option. Aces count as 1 for wild card purposes. The player is not obliged

to make ♠ any wild cards, and can play cards that could make 9s at face value or as wild

cards, at his ♠ option. Cards used to make wild cards may not figure in the resulting

hand twice. The player cannot add three ♠ or more cards. Sometimes, 9s themselves are not

wild, and wild cards can be made only by addition.

is a variant ♠ of seven-card stud in

which 9s are wild, and any two number cards that add up to 9 may make ♠ one wild card, at

the player's option. Aces count as 1 for wild card purposes. The player is not obliged

♠ to make any wild cards, and can play cards that could make 9s at face value or as wild

cards, ♠ at his option. Cards used to make wild cards may not figure in the resulting

hand twice. The player cannot ♠ add three or more cards. Sometimes, 9s themselves are not

wild, and wild cards can be made only by addition. ♠ Dr Pepper is a stud variant where

10's, 2's, and 4's are wild (the name comes from one of the ♠ original Dr Pepper

advertisements of the 1920s: "Drink a Bite to Eat at 10, 2, and 4 o'clock").

is a stud

♠ variant where 10's, 2's, and 4's are wild (the name comes from one of the original Dr

Pepper advertisements of ♠ the 1920s: "Drink a Bite to Eat at 10, 2, and 4 o'clock").

Draft (or "socialist poker") is usually a ♠ variant of seven-card stud in which the

second and subsequent upcard rounds are dealt this way: for each player remaining, ♠ one

upcard is dealt to the center of the table (not to any specific player). The player

with the worst ♠ showing hand gets to choose which of them he will take for his next

upcard, then the player with the ♠ second-worst showing hand chooses his upcard from

those left, and so on, until the player who previously had the best ♠ showing hand takes

the remaining card. Then betting occurs as normal. In seven-card stud, this makes for

three "draft" rounds ♠ (the first three cards are dealt normally, as is the final


(or "socialist poker") is usually a variant of seven-card ♠ stud in which the

second and subsequent upcard rounds are dealt this way: for each player remaining, one

upcard is ♠ dealt to the center of the table (not to any specific player). The player

with the worst showing hand gets ♠ to choose which of them he will take for his next

upcard, then the player with the second-worst showing hand ♠ chooses his upcard from

those left, and so on, until the player who previously had the best showing hand takes

♠ the remaining card. Then betting occurs as normal. In seven-card stud, this makes for

three "draft" rounds (the first three ♠ cards are dealt normally, as is the final

downcard). Auction is a similar variation in which each upcard round (or ♠ possibly just

those after the first) begins with an "auction" phase. Instead of dealing each player

one upcard, the first ♠ card is dealt to the center and all players bid on it; the player

who bids the highest amount places ♠ that amount into the pot, and then has the right to

either keep the auction card as his own upcard, ♠ or designate another player who is

required to take it as his. After the first card is auctioned off and ♠ placed, the

remaining players are dealt a random upcard as usual, and betting proceeds as usual.

This variation is commonly ♠ played as high-low split, so it is common for a player to

"purchase" a high card to force it upon ♠ an opponent seeking low, for example.

is a

similar variation in which each upcard round (or possibly just those after the ♠ first)

begins with an "auction" phase. Instead of dealing each player one upcard, the first

card is dealt to the ♠ center and all players bid on it; the player who bids the highest

amount places that amount into the pot, ♠ and then has the right to either keep the

auction card as his own upcard, or designate another player who ♠ is required to take it

as his. After the first card is auctioned off and placed, the remaining players are

♠ dealt a random upcard as usual, and betting proceeds as usual. This variation is

commonly played as high-low split, so ♠ it is common for a player to "purchase" a high

card to force it upon an opponent seeking low, for ♠ example. Telesina is a stud variant

which is played with a stripped "French" deck. The play follows most five card ♠ stud

games except that after the fourth betting round a 6th community card called the vela

card is placed in ♠ the center of the table. The vela card may be used by all players to

improve their hand after which ♠ another round of betting occurs. The standard hand

ranking applies with the slight difference in that a flush beats a ♠ full house because

it is easier to get a full house than a flush. This is because instead of 13 ♠ cards per

suit there are only 8 having the cards from 2-6 removed.

betboo 359

Variants of the betting card game

Stud poker is any of a number of poker variants in

which each player receives ♠ a mix of face-down and face-up cards dealt in multiple

betting rounds. Stud games are also typically non-positional games, meaning ♠ that the

player who bets first on each round may change from round to round (it is usually the

player ♠ whose face-up cards make the best hand for the game being played). The cards

dealt face down to each individual ♠ player are called hole cards, which gave rise to the

common English expression ace in the hole for any hidden ♠ advantage.

History [ edit


Stud poker variants using four cards were popular as of the American Revolutionary

War. Five-card stud first ♠ appeared during the American Civil War when the game was much

played among soldiers on both sides, and became very ♠ popular. Later, seven-card stud

became more common, both in casinos and in home games.[1] These two games form the

basis ♠ of most modern stud poker variations.

Play [ edit ]

The number of betting rounds

in a game influences how well the ♠ game plays with different betting structures. Games

with four or fewer betting rounds, such as five-card stud and Mississippi stud, ♠ play

well with any structure, and are especially well suited to no limit and pot limit play.

Games with more ♠ betting rounds are more suited to fixed limit or spread limit. It is

common (and recommended) for later betting rounds ♠ to have higher limits than earlier

ones. For example, a "$5/$10 Seven-card Stud" game in a Nevada casino allowsR$5 bets

♠ for the first two rounds andR$10 bets for subsequent rounds. Also common is to make the

final round even higher: ♠ a "$5/$10/$20" game would allowR$20 bets on the last round

only. Another common rule is to allow the larger bet ♠ on the second round if there is an

"open pair" (that is, at least one player's upcards make a pair). ♠ Some casinos

(typically in California) use the smaller limit on the first three rounds rather than

just the first two.

It ♠ is a common convention in stud poker to name the betting rounds

after the number of cards each player holds ♠ when that betting round begins. So the bet

that occurs when each player has three cards is called "third card" ♠ or "third street",

while the bet that occurs when each player has five cards is "fifth street". The final

round, ♠ regardless of the number of betting rounds, is commonly called the "river" or

simply the "end".

Specific variants [ edit ]

As ♠ mentioned above, seven-card stud is

probably the most common form of the game, with most other games being variants of

♠ that, although five-card stud is also a basic pattern upon which many variations are


Six-card stud [ edit ]

Six-card stud ♠ is usually played as identical to

seven-card stud, except that the last face-up round is removed (thus it is two ♠ down,

three up, one down). With Flip, the last card is dealt face-down, but one of the

face-down cards must ♠ be flipped face-up. Six-card stud can also be played as 1-4-1,

where the first betting round occurs after only two ♠ cards are dealt (one down and one

up). This latter form more closely resembles five-card stud with an extra


Razz ♠ [ edit ]

Razz is a variant where the lowest hand wins the pot instead of

the highest. Versions differ in ♠ the rules for treating straights and flushes as high or

low. London Lowball is a popular version that counts straights ♠ against the


High-low stud [ edit ]

High-low stud is played using high-low split betting,

where the pot is split between ♠ the player with the highest hand and the player with the

lowest hand. In the most common form, known as ♠ "eight-or-better" or "stud eight", an

8-high hand or lower is required to win low. If there is no qualifying low ♠ hand, high

hand takes the entire pot.

Another form of high-low split stud is played under the same

rules as stud ♠ eight, but there is no qualifier required for the low half of the pot.

Often referred to as Q, it ♠ is much less common than stud eight, and is generally played

at higher limits.

Mexican stud [ edit ]

Various forms of ♠ roll your own five-card stud,

often with a stripped deck and wild cards, are called Mexican stud, Mexican poker, or

♠ stud loco. One such variant played by the Casino San Pablo in northern California has

these rules: 8s, 9s, and ♠ 10s are stripped from the deck, and a single joker is added

(the deck therefore contains 41 cards). The 7-spot ♠ and the J become consecutive, so

that 5-6-7-J-Q is a straight. A flush beats a full house (with fewer cards ♠ of each

suit, they are harder to get). The joker plays as a bug if it is face up, and ♠ fully

wild if it is face down. The game is played as five-card stud choose-before roll your

own. It is ♠ usually played with a very high ante, and the high card on the first round

pays the bring-in.

The game of ♠ Shifting sands is Mexican stud in which each player's

hole card (and all others of that rank) are wild for ♠ that player only.

Caribbean stud [

edit ]

Caribbean Stud Poker is a casino game that has been developed using the poker

♠ hands and general rules of 5 card stud poker. The game combines poker elements and

standard table game elements in ♠ that each player dealt into the hand is playing against

the dealer. Originally invented by gambling author David Sklansky using ♠ the name Casino

Holdem with some slight rule variations,[2] the game was first introduced at the Grand

Holiday Casino and ♠ eventually all the remaining hotels in Aruba in the


Miscellaneous [ edit ]

Five-card stud played high-low split with an added ♠ twist

round is called Option alley or five-card option.

or five-card option. The game

Scandinavian stud or Sökö is five-card stud ♠ with two new hand values added: Four-card

flush and four-card straight. Hand ranking is therefore: High card, one pair, four-card

♠ straight, four-card flush, two pair and then on as usual. A four-card straightflush is

not a hand in itself, it's ♠ merely counts as a four-card flush.

or is five-card stud

with two new hand values added: Four-card flush and four-card straight. ♠ Hand ranking is

therefore: High card, one pair, four-card straight, four-card flush, two pair and then

on as usual. A ♠ four-card straightflush is not a hand in itself, it's merely counts as a

four-card flush. The term English stud is ♠ used ambiguously to refer to several games,

including six-card stud played 1-4-1 with a twist (also called six-card option), London

♠ lowball, and a seven-card stud game where both sixth street and seventh street are

twist rounds.

is used ambiguously to refer ♠ to several games, including six-card stud

played 1-4-1 with a twist (also called six-card option), London lowball, and a

seven-card ♠ stud game where both sixth street and seventh street are twist rounds. In

the game of seven-card flip , each ♠ player is dealt four cards face down, and chooses

two of them to turn up. All cards are turned up ♠ simultaneously after everyone has

chosen. As this point, the game proceeds as if it were standard seven-card stud

starting on ♠ fourth street.

, each player is dealt four cards face down, and chooses two

of them to turn up. All cards ♠ are turned up simultaneously after everyone has chosen.

As this point, the game proceeds as if it were standard seven-card ♠ stud starting on

fourth street. Kentrel , or "48", is a seven-card stud variation which starts with each

player being ♠ dealt four downcards. Each player must then discard one, choose one of the

remaining three to turn face up (leaving ♠ two down and one up as normal), and then

proceed as with eight-or-better high-low stud.

, or "48", is a seven-card ♠ stud

variation which starts with each player being dealt four downcards. Each player must

then discard one, choose one of ♠ the remaining three to turn face up (leaving two down

and one up as normal), and then proceed as with ♠ eight-or-better high-low stud. The game

of Show Hand , which is not commonly played but made famous by Hong Kong ♠ gambling

films, is a twist in 5 card stud. Players with the highest face up cards decide whether

to check ♠ the round or raise; or, if the player with the highest face up card or hand

checks, it will proceed ♠ to the next street. However, the last round of betting after

the river is dealt is unlimited. In Show hand ♠ poker the last card is dealt face down.

Players now choose from 1 of the 2 face down cards to ♠ reveal to other players. This

variant is usually played with a set time-limit and bet limit to prevent players from

♠ taking advantage of checks and not betting to prolong the game.

, which is not commonly

played but made famous by ♠ Hong Kong gambling films, is a twist in 5 card stud. Players

with the highest face up cards decide whether ♠ to check the round or raise; or, if the

player with the highest face up card or hand checks, it ♠ will proceed to the next

street. However, the last round of betting after the river is dealt is unlimited. In

♠ Show hand poker the last card is dealt face down. Players now choose from 1 of the 2

face down ♠ cards to reveal to other players. This variant is usually played with a set

time-limit and bet limit to prevent ♠ players from taking advantage of checks and not

betting to prolong the game. The game of Chicago is seven-card stud ♠ in which the high

hand splits the pot with the player who has the highest-ranking spade "in the hole"

(among ♠ his downcards). There is also Little Chicago (also called Southside ), in which

the lowest ranking spade in the hole ♠ splits the pot; players who play Little Chicago

call the high spade variant Big Chicago . This also known as ♠ Chicago high by night and

Chicago low by night . In Chicago by night the Deuces and One-eyed jacks are ♠ usually

called as wild cards.

is seven-card stud in which the high hand splits the pot with the

player who has ♠ the highest-ranking spade "in the hole" (among his downcards). There is

also (also called ), in which the lowest ranking ♠ spade in the hole splits the pot;

players who play Little Chicago call the high spade variant . This also ♠ known as and .

In Chicago by night the Deuces and One-eyed jacks are usually called as wild cards. The

♠ Bitch is a variant on Chicago above, played with a combination of up and down cards,

usually two down, four ♠ up, and one down. The twist is that the Queen of Spades is

designated as the highest ranking Spade, followed ♠ by the Ace, King, Jack, and so on.

Also, if the Queen of Spades is ever dealt as an upcard ♠ to any player, all players turn

in their cards, re-ante, and replay the game. This can lead to quickly increasing ♠ pots,

especially if the re-ante amount is increased on each iteration. The high hand splits

the pot with the high ♠ spade.

is a variant on above, played with a combination of up and

down cards, usually two down, four up, and ♠ one down. The twist is that the Queen of

Spades is designated as the highest ranking Spade, followed by the ♠ Ace, King, Jack, and

so on. Also, if the Queen of Spades is ever dealt as an upcard to any ♠ player, all

players turn in their cards, re-ante, and replay the game. This can lead to quickly

increasing pots, especially ♠ if the re-ante amount is increased on each iteration. The

high hand splits the pot with the high spade. Several ♠ different games played only in

low-stakes home games are called Baseball , and generally involve many wild cards

(often 3 ♠ s and 9 s), paying the pot for wild cards, being dealt an extra upcard upon

receiving a 4 , ♠ and many other ad hoc rules (for example, the appearance of the queen

of spades is called a "rainout" and ♠ ends the hand, or that either red 7 dealt face-up

is a rainout, but if one player has both red ♠ 7s in the hole, that outranks everything,

even a 5 of a kind). These same rules can be applied to ♠ no peek, in which case the game

is called "night baseball". See main article: Baseball Poker.

, and generally involve

many ♠ wild cards (often s and s), paying the pot for wild cards, being dealt an extra

upcard upon receiving a ♠ , and many other ad hoc rules (for example, the appearance of

the queen of spades is called a "rainout" ♠ and ends the hand, or that either red 7 dealt

face-up is a rainout, but if one player has both ♠ red 7s in the hole, that outranks

everything, even a 5 of a kind). These same rules can be applied ♠ to no peek, in which

case the game is called "night baseball". See main article: Baseball Poker. Cowpie

poker is ♠ played as seven-card stud until after the seventh-street bet. All remaining

players then split their hands into a five-card hand ♠ and a two-card hand. The five-card

hand must outrank the two-card hand, and the latter must contain at least one ♠ downcard.

After the split there is one more betting round and showdown. Upon showdown, the

highest five-card hand and the ♠ highest two-card hand split the pot. The name of the

game is a pun on Pai Gow.

is played as seven-card ♠ stud until after the seventh-street

bet. All remaining players then split their hands into a five-card hand and a two-card

♠ hand. The five-card hand outrank the two-card hand, and the latter must contain at

least one downcard. After the split ♠ there is one more betting round and showdown. Upon

showdown, the highest five-card hand and the highest two-card hand split ♠ the pot. The

name of the game is a pun on Pai Gow. Number Nine is a variant of seven-card ♠ stud in

which 9s are wild, and any two number cards that add up to 9 may make one wild ♠ card, at

the player's option. Aces count as 1 for wild card purposes. The player is not obliged

to make ♠ any wild cards, and can play cards that could make 9s at face value or as wild

cards, at his ♠ option. Cards used to make wild cards may not figure in the resulting

hand twice. The player cannot add three ♠ or more cards. Sometimes, 9s themselves are not

wild, and wild cards can be made only by addition.

is a variant ♠ of seven-card stud in

which 9s are wild, and any two number cards that add up to 9 may make ♠ one wild card, at

the player's option. Aces count as 1 for wild card purposes. The player is not obliged

♠ to make any wild cards, and can play cards that could make 9s at face value or as wild

cards, ♠ at his option. Cards used to make wild cards may not figure in the resulting

hand twice. The player cannot ♠ add three or more cards. Sometimes, 9s themselves are not

wild, and wild cards can be made only by addition. ♠ Dr Pepper is a stud variant where

10's, 2's, and 4's are wild (the name comes from one of the ♠ original Dr Pepper

advertisements of the 1920s: "Drink a Bite to Eat at 10, 2, and 4 o'clock").

is a stud

♠ variant where 10's, 2's, and 4's are wild (the name comes from one of the original Dr

Pepper advertisements of ♠ the 1920s: "Drink a Bite to Eat at 10, 2, and 4 o'clock").

Draft (or "socialist poker") is usually a ♠ variant of seven-card stud in which the

second and subsequent upcard rounds are dealt this way: for each player remaining, ♠ one

upcard is dealt to the center of the table (not to any specific player). The player

with the worst ♠ showing hand gets to choose which of them he will take for his next

upcard, then the player with the ♠ second-worst showing hand chooses his upcard from

those left, and so on, until the player who previously had the best ♠ showing hand takes

the remaining card. Then betting occurs as normal. In seven-card stud, this makes for

three "draft" rounds ♠ (the first three cards are dealt normally, as is the final


(or "socialist poker") is usually a variant of seven-card ♠ stud in which the

second and subsequent upcard rounds are dealt this way: for each player remaining, one

upcard is ♠ dealt to the center of the table (not to any specific player). The player

with the worst showing hand gets ♠ to choose which of them he will take for his next

upcard, then the player with the second-worst showing hand ♠ chooses his upcard from

those left, and so on, until the player who previously had the best showing hand takes

♠ the remaining card. Then betting occurs as normal. In seven-card stud, this makes for

three "draft" rounds (the first three ♠ cards are dealt normally, as is the final

downcard). Auction is a similar variation in which each upcard round (or ♠ possibly just

those after the first) begins with an "auction" phase. Instead of dealing each player

one upcard, the first ♠ card is dealt to the center and all players bid on it; the player

who bids the highest amount places ♠ that amount into the pot, and then has the right to

either keep the auction card as his own upcard, ♠ or designate another player who is

required to take it as his. After the first card is auctioned off and ♠ placed, the

remaining players are dealt a random upcard as usual, and betting proceeds as usual.

This variation is commonly ♠ played as high-low split, so it is common for a player to

"purchase" a high card to force it upon ♠ an opponent seeking low, for example.

is a

similar variation in which each upcard round (or possibly just those after the ♠ first)

begins with an "auction" phase. Instead of dealing each player one upcard, the first

card is dealt to the ♠ center and all players bid on it; the player who bids the highest

amount places that amount into the pot, ♠ and then has the right to either keep the

auction card as his own upcard, or designate another player who ♠ is required to take it

as his. After the first card is auctioned off and placed, the remaining players are

♠ dealt a random upcard as usual, and betting proceeds as usual. This variation is

commonly played as high-low split, so ♠ it is common for a player to "purchase" a high

card to force it upon an opponent seeking low, for ♠ example. Telesina is a stud variant

which is played with a stripped "French" deck. The play follows most five card ♠ stud

games except that after the fourth betting round a 6th community card called the vela

card is placed in ♠ the center of the table. The vela card may be used by all players to

improve their hand after which ♠ another round of betting occurs. The standard hand

ranking applies with the slight difference in that a flush beats a ♠ full house because

it is easier to get a full house than a flush. This is because instead of 13 ♠ cards per

suit there are only 8 having the cards from 2-6 removed.

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